Armando Alfaro Paniagua
He was born in Heredia on December 3, 1923.
He completed his primary at the Nicholas Ulloa School and the secondary school at the Seminary School and then at the Major Seminary.
He was ordained priest on December 18, 1948.
In the fifties the Pbro. Armando Alfaro studied journalism at the "Donwoody Institute", Kansas United States. He majored in Theology at Saint Meirand Seminary in Indiana, where he majored in Vocational Education in Wisconsin and graduated as a Professor of Vocational Education and Arts at the University of Costa Rica.
Together with Monsignor Antonio Troyo, he founded the Catholic Cultural Radio Fides station, presided over the Costa Rican Journalists' Association and his Mutual Fund, founded the Editorial and printing company Ludovico and helped found the National Radio Camera.
Recognized for his contribution as initiator, organizer and executive director of the Mixed Institute of Social Assistance, IMAS.
He was awarded the National Journalism Prize Pío Víquez in 1987.
He was called by Monsignor Víctor Manuel Arrieta Quesada, to the Catholic Eco in 1956 where he served as its Director until January 2007.
He did his journalistic work in an uninterrupted manner, for more than fifty-three years.