Municipal Council
The Municipal Government is composed of a deliberative body called the City Council. The Mayor, Aldermen and Trustees direct the municipality. They and their alternates are elected by popular vote for a four-year period.
The council members are chosen on the first Sunday of February, during the national elections. The first Sunday of December immediately after they are elected the Mayor and Trustees.
It is composed of more than five and a maximum of thirteen councilors, as the number of people you have in the canton deliberative body.
Attend the City Council with voice but without vote the Mayor and Syndics.
Regular councilors
Ricardo Antonio Arce Díaz
Partido Progreso Social Democrático
Regidor Propietario
Alternate councilors
Regular syndics
Isela Mora Salazar
Partido Liberación Nacional
Síndico Propietario
Laura González Villalobos
Partido Liberación Nacional
Síndica Propietaria
Julieth Mariam Rodríguez Mora
Partido Liberación Nacional
Síndica Propietaria
Jose Antonio Chavarría Arce
Partido Unidad Social Cristiana
Síndico Propietario
Partido Unidad Social Cristiana
Síndico Propietario
Alternate syndics
Karina Paola Rodríguez Morales
Partido Liberación Nacional
Síndica Suplente
Wllberth José Quesada Fallas
Partido Liberación Nacional
Síndico Suplente
Mauren Verónica Camacho Astúa.
Partido Unidad Social Cristiana
Síndica Suplente